• Add The Simple Food Project’s Puppy Balancer to The Simple Food Project recipes for at least 6 months to a year, depending on breed.  





6 Months

8 Months

12 Months


< 40 lbs

ADD Puppy Balancer

OK to feed without Puppy Balancer


< 80 lbs

ADD Puppy Balancer

ADD Puppy Balancer

OK to feed without Puppy Balancer


> 80 lbs

ADD Puppy Balancer

ADD Puppy Balancer

ADD Puppy Balancer

OK to feed without Puppy Balancer



  • Follow the Simple Food Project serving suggestions (found on the other side) based on your pup’s estimated adult weight –think 1-2 years. (Be sure to factor the sex of the puppy along with the breed(s) when doing this.)


Note: Average breed sizes vary. A lot. Toy, mini, teacup– just to name a few. So, the best guide would be to use the weight of your pup’s same-sex parent. If you don’t exactly have your pup’s pedigree charted, don’t fret. Your veterinarian can offer guidance, and your tail-wagger too. Use your dog’s development as a guide because metabolism and energy needs vary for every dog.

There's also absolutely no harm in using it for longer than recommended since you're simply adding real, whole food vitamins and minerals to the bowl.